Miyo Esthetic Finish System Kit

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MiYO® Liquid Ceramic offers a completely new approach to esthetics. MiYO® Liquid Ceramic System gives technicians the ability to easily create esthetic restorations that rival natural teeth in an ultra-thin layer. MiYO currently works with all zirconia and lithium disilicate materials and is easy to integrate into any lab workflow as a/n:

  • Replacement for Existing Stain and Glaze Process: simple and easy way to match shades and get the depth and translucency needed on monolithic or cutback crowns - all in one firing
  • Correction Material: quick and easy way to change a shade, raise or lower the brightness of crowns (while adding translucency) or add contacts to reduce remakes
  • Alternative to Costly Hand-layered Ceramics: efficient way to create highly characterized restorations that rival esthetics typically only seen with hand-layered restorations in unprecedented thicknesses of 0.1mm-0.2mm

25 jars and 1 liquid all uniquely designed to create beautiful & detailed high-end esthetic effects for your zirconia & lithium disilicate monolithic restorations.

    • Highly opacified coloured glazes used to reproduce mamelons
    • Medium opacity colored glazes used to create a “Halo” effect on incisal edges
    • Translucent colored glazes used to replicate incisal & cervical translucency
    • Translucent A, B, C, D range based colored glazes used to easily match Vita® shades
    • Translucent colored glazes for raising and lowering value
    • Unique viscosity structure pastes used to build structure & surface texture. Structure pastes contain layering materials that fully glaze when fired but retain fine surface detail. Structure pastes exhibit a light scattering effect similar to layered enamels but in thicknesses as little as 0.1mm which make them ideal for monolithic restorations
    • InSync Glaze Paste
    • InSync Glaze Liquid
    • NB: MiYO Fissure is a powder not a paste.
      Watch this video for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acmVq-XENlk

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