Aidite Ezneer Blanks

Aidite Ezneer Blanks


Specially developed for zirconia veneers, EZneer has broken the previous translucency limit of zirconia and brought the zirconia material to a new level in terms of translucency.

While ensuring ultra-high translucency, the strength of the material is also much higher than the traditional veneer material glass ceramic. When you are making veneer restorations, EZneer will bring you a new material experience.

Preshade Colour: EW/BW/HV/LV

EW (Extra White) - Extremely white colour, in addition to having the charateristics of High translucency, but also retaining the extremely flawless bright white.

BW (Bleach White) - A natural and highly transparent bleaching white colour, developed for patients who require both natural and bleaching.

HV (High Value) - High-brightness colour, and be easily combined with the natural abutment base colour to make aesthetic veneers, whic is suitable for clinical cases where the natural adjacent teeth are high-brightness.

LV (Low Value) - Low-brightness colour, can be easily combined with the natural abutment base colour to make aesthetic veneers, which is suitable for clinical cases where the natural adjacent teeth are low-brightness.

Multilayer colour: BWM (Bleach White Multilayer)/HVM (High Value Multilayer)/LVM (Low Value Multilayer)

Parameters and Indications:
