Bre.Lux Light Pen

Bre.Lux Light Pen


The bre.Lux LightPen is a battery-operated gelling hand lamp. It is provided with a wave length range of 385 - 515 nm and can be used for any type of photo-active materials.

The unit is used for a rapid curing of composites such as for instance crea.lign and light-curing die varnishes or for the fixation of veneers with the fixation composite combo.lign.

bre.Lux LightPen does not replace final polymerization within a polymerization unit.

The bre.Lux LightPen is available alone together with the adapter, charging tray as well as anti-glare protection in orange colour within a kit or together with the light-curing unit bre.Lux PowerUnit 2. 

4 individually selectable time intervals are possible with the bre.Lux LightPen – 5, 10, 15 and 20 seconds. The last time interval selected will automatically be taken over for the next polymerization cycles.

The fibre optic light guide of bre.Lux LightPen can be oriented infinitely through 360° offering thus an optimal comfort for extra-oral applications.

NB: For information on the Bre.Lux Power Unit please refer to product code: BR14001015