Wironit EX

Wironit EX


Wironit-extra-hard The ideal partial denture alloy for combination work

-Due to its high elongation limit and tensile strength, this alloy is ideally suited for combination work

-Outstanding casting properties thanks to the special composition with silicon and carbon

-Very low thermal conductivity of the alloy emphasises the wearing comfort of the prosthesis

-Biocompatible and corrosion-resistant -biocompatibility verified by an independent institute

Product details

Density [g/cm3] - 8.2

Preheating temperature [°C] - 950-050

Casting temperature [°C] - approx. 1420

Melting range [°C] - 1260-305

Composition in % by mass

Co 63 · Cr 30 · Mo 5 · Si 1.1 · Mn, C jeweils < 1