GC Fit Checker

GC Fit Checker


A Vinyl PolyEther Silicone for simple and precise checking and adjustment of all prosthetic work. Fit Checker Advanced White - The ideal colour for acrylic and metal

  • Fit Checker Advanced White offers ideal consistency and high wettability for easy flow onto dentures and oral tissues, now even easier to use in automix.

  • Perfect for all kinds of prosthetic work such as dentures and metal-based crowns and bridges.

  • Fit Checker™ Advanced White is not affected by saliva.

  • Fit Checker Advanced Blue - The ideal colour for all ceramic - adjust the right spots that are causing the problems instead of guessing.

  • Perfect for checking the fit for all kinds of ceramic work especially resin, ceramic and zirconia.

  • Can be used for bite registration and evaluation of occlusal contacts as well as checking the fit of splints. Finally, it’s possible to make certain of a perfect fit for indirect restorations, avoiding marginal gaps and major occlusal adjustments after cementation