Renfert Pro-Fix-Precision Pin

Renfert Pro-Fix-Precision Pin


Pro-Fix Precision pin

with plastic sleeve

Model pin with Easy-Glide-Function and a guidance pin. A very short friction path of only 1mm and parallel guide bars in the sleeve enable:

  • jolt-free and controlled removal.
  • the special geometry of the plastic sleeve provides a strong hold of the pins and at the same the least amount of intrinsic mobility as possible.
  • even friction of the dies enables smooth loosening of all dies.

This innovative specialty is exclusive to Pro-Fix:

The cap is integrated in the sleeve thus saving time, maintaining precision and giving your models a professional appearance.


  • pins and/or sleeves are not damaged by the bur during exposure.
  • the plaster cannot penetrate into the sleeve when the base is formed.
  • the pins are not held in plaster, therefore no negative friction interference.

Easy handling:

  • sleeve is easily attached also in complicated situations.
  • convenient removal of caps using supplied metal point.

Properties of the sleeve%u2018s material:

  • the special developed plastic material is resistant to moisture, heat and abrasion.

This maintain long-lasting precision and prevents a loss of friction.

Technical Details

Shaft length 11,6 mm

Shaft length sleeve 12,0 mm

Head length 5,5 mm

O head 1,6 mm

O sleeve 3,0 mm

O pin max. 2,5 mm

Description Art. No.

100 pieces

Pro-Fix Precision pin with plastic sleeve R367-1000